Benefits of HPL Cladding in Interior High-Traffic Areas

Benefits of HPL Cladding in Interior High-Traffic Areas

In any given interior project, architects typically have a wide variety of interior wall paneling options from which to choose.

For high-traffic spaces like schools, airports, and public restrooms, the option of a phenolic wall panel system (also called high-pressure laminate panels, or HPL cladding panels) is proving to be a reliable choice.

As a globally trusted phenolic panel manufacturer, Fundermax has been in the industry for over a century. With this amount of experience, we are familiar with the array of interior wall paneling options generally available to architects and designers.

When a project involves high-traffic areas, the benefits of HPL cladding stand out regarding four significant factors.

Benefits of Installing Interior HPL Cladding Panels

Benefits of Installing Interior HPL Cladding Panels - Food Court

1. Durability & Longevity

High-pressure laminates, specifically HPL cladding panels, are made for durability and longevity. The U.S. Green Building Council describes phenolic panels as “an ideal material for both interior and exterior applications” and affirms that their greatest asset is “their strength and durability that allows them to maintain their performance and appearance over a long lifespan.”[1]

2. Impact Resistance

Benefits of Installing Interior HPL Cladding Panels - Employee Lockers and Bathrooms

HPL cladding panels are scratch- and graffiti-resistant. This means that when using interior phenolic wall panels, they can withstand traffic all the way down to backpack level in schools, luggage level in airports, and more.

3. Cleanability

Phenolic cladding panels are easy to clean, primarily because the material is non-porous, impervious to moisture, and does not support the growth of mold or mildew.

Benefits of Installing Interior HPL Cladding Panels - restaurant tables

Additionally, Fundermax HPL cladding panels can stand up to the wide range of harsh chemicals and solvents required for the kind of cleaning that high traffic areas demand.

4. Appearance

There is no need to sacrifice design in the name of durability, or vice versa. Shanko Chowdhury, an executive business head of decoratives, notes, “HPL comes in a wide range of styles, making it a favorite with designers and architects.”[2]

Consider the cohesive design created by utilizing the same material and décor in multiple locations, whether wall panels, bathroom partitions, lockers, or even furniture. Beyond the various colors and finishes available from phenolic panel manufacturers, laser-printed phenolic panels are also available for further customized design specifications, as in Fundermax’s Individualdécor.

Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives

Consider the aforementioned benefits of HPL cladding in the following high-traffic applications.


With the combination of luggage and a high amount of foot traffic, it’s expected that hotel entrance ways, waiting areas, elevator entrances, and front reception will require a high amount of durability and wall protection from whatever material an architect chooses.

Fundermax interior phenolic panels offer not only durability but also cohesive design. This Wyndham Grand Hotel utilized complementary interior wall paneling options, including white with decorative backlighting in the reception and restaurant areas and decorative woodgrain in the stairways and halls.

Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Esplendor Hotel Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Esplendor Hotel Lobby Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Esplendor Hotel Elevators


Workplaces offer a host of high-traffic areas including

  • Bathrooms

  • Reception and seating areas

  • Work counters and workspaces

  • Stairwells

  • Entranceways

  • Elevators

  • Shower rooms and/or Locker rooms

  • Lunchrooms

  • Kitchen areas

The benefits of HPL cladding panels meet the range of demands presented by these various areas, all while maintaining high design.

Consider these vastly different HPL washroom partitions that have their own unique design but carry all the same benefits.

Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Workplace bathrooms Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - custom bathrooms Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - custom branded bathroom stalls

This seamless interior/exterior design of this phenolic wall panel system delivers the company’s desired aesthetic while maintaining all of the necessary durability.

Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Workplace cohesive design Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Workplace cohesive design Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Workplace cohesive design Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Workplace cohesive design Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Workplace cohesive design


What environment demands more durability and cleanability from its materials than a school? HPL cladding panels are up for the challenge regardless of the specific application.

By including school colors and mascots in the design, branding can be incorporated without compromising durability.

Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - School Lockers Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - School Stairwell Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - School Lobby and Hallway

Transportation: Airports and Train Stations

Similar to schools, choosing a durable, long-lasting phenolic wall panel system is paramount in the transportation industry because the panels need to withstand the rigorous demands of the environment, and they must also be easy to clean.

When people travel with luggage, it is common for the luggage to push against the wall, causing damage and leaving marks and scratches. With high-quality, durable Fundermax phenolic panels you can prevent damage and remove any marks, dirt, or graffiti using the recommended cleaning protocol.

Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Airport Bathrooms Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Airport Walkways Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Airport Hallway Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Airport Hallway with TVs Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Airport Special Handling Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Airport Food Court

Malls/Shopping Centers

Malls and shopping centers receive high traffic from both patrons and employees. The high design and high durability of HPL cladding panels are a wise choice for various applications including

Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Mall Food Court Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Mall Hallway


As much as we have discussed the benefits of HPL cladding for architectural wall panels, it is important to note that you can give an entire location a completely cohesive design by carrying the same décor from the walls to the furniture.

Fundermax HPL cladding panels can be manufactured into furniture and other applications that enhance the design aesthetic while offering the same durability, longevity, and cleanability of the architectural wall panels.

Even when used in a furniture application, Fundermax phenolic panels are made to withstand the rigors of high-use applications.

Consider the advantages offered for lunchrooms, food courts, reception and seating areas, casework, countertops, and more.

Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Office cafeteria Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Office Lobby Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Custom Tables Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Showcase Furniture Examples of High-Traffic Spaces Where HPL Cladding Thrives - Mall Furniture and Lobby Desk

Considering the unique benefits of HPL cladding, it is no surprise that architects are recognizing this material as a smart choice when designing for high-traffic environments, whether for walls or other surfaces.

If your next project involves a school, airport, or other high-use areas, we would love to offer our knowledge and experience in the area of high-performing, high-design HPL cladding panels. Contact us today to discuss how we can help.

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[2]Long-Lasting Wonder | Construction Week Online

[1]Phenolic Panels for Durable Wall Coverings and Cladding | US Green Building Council